A lot of errors after installing SGP

I follow the instruction, backed up the profiles, uninstall SGP2.6.0.14, and install SGP2.6.0.15.

A lot of errors pop up, prevent me from using it. I am afraid some setting I made on plate solve are gone.

Please help.

I just installed after uninstalling .14 and rebooting.

Everything seemed fine - except I also had the problem with comdlg32.ocx not being registered.

All I had to do was open a cmd window with administrator privileges and go to the sgp directory - and register the .ocx with:

regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx

After that platesolve2 worked.

I set the camera gain values to Not Set - and now the gain and offset values of the asi 1600 are maintained.

The gain value is also recorded in the fits header.

So - things seem ok for me - except I had to register the .ocx manually.


Thanks for the reports. Must have missed this in the installer. Going to pull this release for the time being but should be able to address it this evening.


For info, I uninstalled and installed - I backed up profiles etc but the installer appears to have left them intact.