If sg is not the issue why are there so many threads on the same subject? I thank you for you help but I know my settings are correct as i went over them a thousand times & i am telling you that when i had local set to J2000 i was getting the same results as platesolve2 off to the right top corner every time yet when i changed it to JNow it put it dead center on every try. Do you honestly think that was by chance? My time server syncs with atomic clock every 5 minutes & the mount is synced with the PC at the start of each session.
I even tried All Sky plate solver and that matched my local server solves dead on. the only thing i can think of is my hand controller is taking the sync as a modeling point which is why SG put the option under telescope for sync behavior but i am not sure of those settings. Many people had the same exact issue with mounts using JNow