Boltwood Safety Monitor not working

The Boltwood Safety Monitor I am using with my observatory is not working with SGP. The following error appears throughout my error log:
[9/25/2015 5:52:32 PM] [DEBUG] [MF Update Thread] Caught excpetion in UpdateStatusIcons: CheckDotNetExceptions ASCOM.Boltwood.OkToImage.SafetyMonitor IsSafe Get System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. (See Inner Exception for details)
Here is a sample error log:

Chris writes that software… I’m sure he’ll speak up soon.

I need to see the SafetyMonitor log file. The help document, obtained by clicking on the Help button in the SafetyMonitor setup window should show you how to get this.

My guess is that the Boltwood file is different to what I’m expecting.


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