Error when I try to connect my moonlite focuser

I have all ASCOM drivers on my windows 10 PC. I got my AP mount to connect but after downloading the moonlite ASCOM DRO setup file to connect my moonlite stepper focuser I keep getting an error message back but with no specific details.

OK- it all of a sudden started working but no idea why other than I was recharging my laptop and when it got up to about 40% power, it worked. Any reason why I do not like windows. ugh!! I hope this is not going to be a common occurrence.

for whatever reason, on my PC, the first time i try to connect to the moonlite controller, it always throws an error. on the 2nd try, it always works.

this only happens from cold boot; if i have rebooted the computer, SGP is able to connect on the first try.

this has something to do with my USB topology, but not sure what exactly. the same exact equipment worked fine with a different PC/Hub combination.

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You have told us nothing so there’s nothing we can do to help.

Chris- not sure what you mean. I have told you everything. That is it. Just got a general error message with no further explanation.

i wasn’t asking for help, just stating that due to some usb/serial adapter problem that the first access to the controller fails. in other words if OP has the same problem, it is at least deterministic.