New ASCOM RC version

There is a new ASCOM platform Conform Release 6.5.7831.20978 available. From the developer’s forum:

New features:

  • Installers and executables are now code signed.
  • “About to call” messages are now implemented for all device device types.
  • Dome - Now gives warnings for tests that may fail if Conform is configured not to open the shutter.
  • Dome - The Dome safety check-box is now replicated in the Setup dialogue for convenience.
  • Switch - The Switch safety check-box is now replicated in the Setup dialogue for convenience.

issues fixed:

  • Camera - Added tests for writing to Camera.Gain and Camera.Offset.
  • Camera - The MaxBinX and MaxBinY validity range has been extended to 16 and the reported message status is now “Information” rather than “Error”.
  • Camera - The correct message is now given when Camera.CanStopExposure is false, but Camera.StopExposure does not throw an exception.
  • Telescope - Internal resilience of the Telescope tester has been improved.