Running 2 x EFW3 in SGPro

I run two instances of SGPro for a dual rig. I recently purchased a second EFW3 but find I can’t run both EFW3s without crashes and failure of either wheel to work properly. Both will connect ok but once I move either wheel for the first time they ‘lock up’ and can’t be moved. Then SGPro reports a disconnect in the notification panel.

Are there specific protocols for running two wheels?

Many thanks

Guessing this is something in the ASCOM driver. Do you have to select between 2 different EFW3 options? For instance is there a “EFW3 - Device 1” and “EFW3 - Device2” in the device picker? Or is there somewhere in the settings to say which device you’re connected to?

I’m guessing that the ASCOM driver isn’t handling this well or there’s not actual handling in the ASCOM driver for 2 EFW3s. You’d likely need to contact the manufacturer to see if/how you can get around this.


Thanks Jared. Yes I get atik filter wheel 1 through to filter wheel 4 in the ascom drop down. I choose 1 and 2 and set up each accordingly in SGPro. I’ll drop Atik a message and see what they say.