Sequence Generator (Stable) is Released for General Use

Sequence Generator (Stable) is Released for General Use

Hello! Thanks for keeping SGPro up to date. This release on the stable branch is free of charge to owners of SGPro 3. The list below contains a brief description of all feature additions, changes and fixes in this version.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • SGPro status bar color is green when sequence is running and OK and red when in recovery. Will add a setting to make optional in the very near future.


  • If the autoguider is set to pause during auto focus, it will not start until the guider is verified as paused (avoids a ‘lost lock’ and then PHD2 subsequently ignoring the pause command).


  • After failing to recover, SGPro might fail to move to the next target.
  • Auto center, in certain conditions, could fail and report that it could not find the image to plate solve (Path is not of a legal form).