Sequence Generator (Stable) is Released for General Use

Sequence Generator (Stable) is Released for General Use

Hello! Thanks for keeping SGPro up to date. This release on the stable branch is free of charge to owners of SGPro 3. The list below contains a brief description of all feature additions, changes and fixes in this version.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • SGPro is less aggressive when trying to re-establish a lost connection to PHD2 (will time out faster, but still try for several minutes).
  • SGPro will no longer test if the connected Focuser has a Halt option (because it seems like it kills onboard temp comp).


  • A delay in manually invoked end of sequence actions will no longer lock the UI.
  • No longer need to click on a status icon in the main window twice in order to toggle that action (like the ‘star’ icon for auto focus)