Sequence Generator Pro is Released for General Use

Sequence Generator Pro (32-bit and 64-bit) is Released for

Hello! Thanks for keeping SGPro up to date. This release on the stable branch is free of charge to owners of SGPro 4. The list below contains a brief description of all feature additions, changes and fixes in this version.

You can find it here:

Sequence Generator


  • Added support for Eagle Switch custom user labels.
  • Better health checking for External Notification Channels when sequence starts.
  • Better messaging when an AntiVirus application prevents SGPro from downloading and installing an update.
  • If running a camera warmup, the end of sequence actions complete notification will now read that end of sequence switch state will run afterward.
  • Required switch devices for the current sequence will now connect and disconnect with the Connect All Equipment command.


  • Email endpoints can now be either SMTP or secure Gmail connections.


  • Fixed a condition where canceling config changes to External Notification Channels might not revert configs back to the original state.
  • Fixed an issue in the control panel for switch devices tab where a switch device might get added multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where double clicking the title bar of a fixed size window would still maximize it.