Two nights ago I had SGP crash during an end of night darks sequence. I thought it was just a fluke, maybe a power glitch in the observatory or something (it is not on a UPS, the PC is). The next night all was well but then last night it did it again.
All normal up to that time. PhD had stopped guiding, scope had parked and disconnected (Paramount ME), Roll-Off had closed, Darks had started and 3 (first time) to 11 (second time) darks had completed. Then SGP just crashed. The other programs continued to run (although they had already stopped being active as they should). No idea what happened.
Only a mild annoyance when it happens during darks, my concern is it may start happening during lights.
I do not think the log will be much help, here is a snippet from the end and it looks normal until it just stops:
[6/17/2015 3:48:39 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera status check: INTEGRATING
[6/17/2015 3:48:39 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Waking from exposure time sleep period…
[6/17/2015 3:48:39 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking to see if the CCD has a temp…
[6/17/2015 3:48:39 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Saving the CCD temp…
[6/17/2015 3:48:39 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Entering super dangerous loop to await image completion…
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Error in GetCurrentPos : GetAndFixRaDec (ASCOM.NotConnectedException: GetAndFixRaDec
at ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope.CheckConnected(String message)
at ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope.GetAndFixRaDec()
at ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope.get_RightAscension())
at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CheckDotNetExceptions(String memberName, Exception e) in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 560
at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.GetTargetInvocationExceptionHandler(String memberName, Exception e) in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 650
at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 231
at ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope.get_RightAscension() in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Telescope.cs:line 769
at ah.GetCurrentPosition(Boolean force)
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera status check: INTEGRATION_COMPLETE
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera: end exposure called…
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera: read data…
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera: starting readout…
[6/17/2015 3:48:40 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera: reading lines…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG Camera: end readout…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SBIG read complete. Took 1167ms…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SGM_CAMERA_CAPTURE complete…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Image reported as complete. Continuing…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Collecting FITs headers…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DATE-LOC time provided by SGPro (failed to retrieve from camera)…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] GatherFitsHeaders: Writing header info for last solve…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] GatherFitsHeaders: Writing header info from UI…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Clearing timed monitoring events…
[6/17/2015 3:48:42 AM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Created full file name (file does not exist): H:\2015 Images\6-16-15\Dark\