SGPro 4.4 Backlog - Our Thoughts and Request for Community Input

Similar to request 2 in this post, if a “sequence start time” is every implemented, it would be nice if the planning tools window only gave a “Target start time is during daytime” message only if the actual start time, including Sequence Start time, was during daylight.
If the Planning Tools warnings were aware of the Sequence Start/End times, that would allow us to, for example, set all target start times to be at X degrees and stop times at Y degrees (35 in my case), and not have to change them. Only the sequence start and stop times would need to change.

A setting to run/not run end of sequence actions when an “Unsafe Conditions” occurs would be a great solution.

@Ken, @Jared,

Assuming SGP eventually has a “Start sequence at” time similar to the “End sequence at” time, what are your thoughts regarding allowing the time to be a relative time in addition to the current absolute time? For example, X minutes before or after dusk?
If that was possible, I don’t think the target start/stop times would need to change. Having the Sequence start relative to dusk should be sufficient, don’t you think?

It seems like people that start and stop targets based on latitude could then probably just set the latitudes once (e.g., at 30 degrees) and never change the target start/stop fields if they also had relative sequence start and stop times.