Variables field

can somebody please tell what the variables field is used for?



Mostly undocumented to play with experimental features that we are not sure will ever make it to a release version of SGPro. For instance, we have a few things in there that can help connect to 2 QSI cameras at the same time or adjust the rate at which an auto focus curve fit is considered successful, etc. If something is worthwhile, it will make its way to the interface.

Also… unrelated to this topic, but can you tell me when that red X appeared for that button? Did SGPro start that way or did it happen after being clicked or maybe something else? SGPro is far more aggressive about cleaning unused resources, but sometimes too aggressive and I need to find out why this one happens.

Thank for the explanation.

Regarding the red boxes. I do not remember but I will try to remember when it happens again.
Right now this button is drawn properly and also the trend arrows lool ok.



Ya, if one of those trends switches directions, it will break. I have it fixed in the beta I am releasing today.