[24/10/2015 23:47:49] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Machine ID found... [24/10/2015 23:47:49] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Checking for valid internet connection... [24/10/2015 23:47:50] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Valid internet connection detected... [24/10/2015 23:47:51] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Request for licenses successful, writing cookie... [24/10/2015 23:47:51] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Applying licenses.. [24/10/2015 23:47:51] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Licenses applied.. [24/10/2015 23:47:51] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] SGPro trial license... [24/10/2015 23:47:52] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] API successfully started on port 59590... [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading GNS endpoint settings! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\gnsSettings.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading email endpoint addresses! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\2-emailEndpointAddresses.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading email endpoint addresses! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\3-emailEndpointAddresses.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\1-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\2-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Could not find file 'C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\3-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd'. [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] ===== S E Q U E N C E G E N E R A T O R (v2.4.3.11) ===== [24/10/2015 23:47:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Focuser Thread] Entering Fouser message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [TEC Thread] Entering TEC message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] Entering camera message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Rotator Thread] Entering Rotator message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Auto Guider Thread] Entering Auto Guider message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Auto Guider Error Thread] Entering Auto Guider message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Filter Wheel Thread] Entering Filter Wheel message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Dome Thread] Entering Dome message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Entering Telescope message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Settings changed (or loaded)... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliFlushHigh = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastFileFolder = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingOffset = -1 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiNewWindow = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingRecoveryDuration = 90 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDelayBetween = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSimDownloadTimesAf = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt2Address = 278 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstrometryNetEndpointList = System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiMouseAction = Stretch [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomCamera = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAlnitakComPort = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDelayFirst = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperhumInterval = 300 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingASCOMWarningShown = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonMirrorSettle = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingInterface = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomFilterWheel = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstroArtDisplayInstructions = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt1Address = 378 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDSLRSoftwareBinForAf = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingProfileDirectory = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiLastImageDir = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstroArtStartApp = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingShowTooltipHelp = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPhd2InstallPath = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFormScaleWarning = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTrialQuestionsAsked = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSoundAttention = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPinpointCatalog = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCameraOverhead = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateSolveOn = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGGuider = None [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt3Address = 3BC [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdDisplay = RA/Dec [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowToolStrip = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowCrosshairs = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometry = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameType = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameStringLocation = 2 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgSubFolders = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoStretchLevel = Low [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGEthernetIP = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUnits = C [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingBasename = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingHfrColor = Color [RoyalBlue] [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNikonAfBinning = 1 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGFanOffWithTec = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliNormalSpeedDesc = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiSize = {Width=800, Height=600} [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliNormalSpeedMode = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgCopyAndRenameFiles = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNagger = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUserTempComp = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowStatusTrip = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdDecColor = Color [Red] [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastUpdateCheck = 01/01/2012 00:00:00 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCpPosition = {X=0,Y=0} [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGCfwPort = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiLocation = {X=0,Y=0} [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastCsvFolder = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUserHumidityComp = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGFilterWheel = Auto Detect [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoSave = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMfPosition = {X=0,Y=0} [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFirstTime = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoRecoveryActive = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNaggerText = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingUseSequenceOptions = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometrySearch = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomRotator = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateCamScale = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDataDirectory = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonFileFormat = Single Image (CFA FITS) [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiState = maximized [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLookForTemperDevices = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingImportFromCfw = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameFiles = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSubFolder = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastSGSaveFolder = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGConnection = USB [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNikonDataFormat = FITS [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlaySounds = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastNikonType = Auto Connect [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastSequenceStart = 01/01/0001 00:00:00 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingRecoveryInterval = 10 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdScale = 100 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomSafetyMonitor = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumColor = Grey [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastImageSaveFolder = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdRaColor = Color [Blue] [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliHighSpeedMode = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingEnableImageHistory = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFinishFullEvent = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliFlushLow = 0 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMosaicOverlap = 20 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingQSIFanOffWithTec = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingRecentSequences = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDefaultDirectory = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgCopyLocation = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstrometryNetEndpoint = http://nova.astrometry.net/api [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGCfwUseRS232 = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingStarsColor = Color [OrangeRed] [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTrialExpiredShown = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgOverwriteExisting = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomTelescope = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomFocuser = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastFolder = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometryOpen = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNumEvents = 5 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonAfBinning = 1 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateCamBlank = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNikonUseBulbModeAlways = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSoundCompleted = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTempFiles = C:\Temp [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliHighSpeedDesc = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGAutoDetectIp = True [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCaptureCalFramesAlways = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingQSIFanSpeed = 2 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSimDownloadTimesPlate = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMicroTouchLocation = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingEventAlwaysVisible = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiAutoStretch = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliRbiMitigation = False [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingGain = -1 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomDome = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdZoom = 40 [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAfTestPackPath = [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing initialization... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Creating new sequence with default profile: QHY8L+Newt+CC [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing full form reset (with profile QHY8L+Newt+CC)... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New camera object (QHY8L-StarSenseSci) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New filter wheel object (No Filter Wheel) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New focuser object (Moonlite DRO Focuser Driver) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New telescope object (EQMOD ASCOM HEQ5/6) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New rotator object (Manual Rotator) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (PHD2) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Telescope Listener] Starting external telescope listener... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Populating the form controls... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 0... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Loading custom filter names... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in camera object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New filter wheel object (No Filter Wheel) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in focuser object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Entering sequence message dispatch loop... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] MoveFocuserAbs: Error! The focuser is no longer connected! [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in telescope object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in rotator object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (PHD2) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Checking if version check is required... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] UI layout found, loading layout at C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\sg_ui_config.xml [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Running cleanup... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning 23 files in directory C:\Users\Julie\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning multi camera registration file... [24/10/2015 23:47:54] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning finished... [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TELESCOPE_CONNECT... [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope can slewing supported... [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope: Implements MoveAxis... [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] RA Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] RA Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] RA Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] DEC Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] DEC Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] DEC Move Rate Range: Min->0 Max->3.34245933333333 [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope: CanSetSideOfPier returned False [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope equatorial system is J2000... [24/10/2015 23:48:05] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] SGM_TELESCOPE_CONNECT complete... [24/10/2015 23:48:15] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Attempting to stop PHD2 guiding... [24/10/2015 23:48:15] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] PHD2 Not connected! Attempting to reconnect. [24/10/2015 23:48:15] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Connecting to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:15] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:15] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Attempting to connect to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:16] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:16] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Failed to establish client connection to PHD2 using port 4400: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [24/10/2015 23:48:17] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:18] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:19] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:20] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:20] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Failed to establish client connection to PHD2 using port 4400: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [24/10/2015 23:48:21] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:22] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:23] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:23] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Could not etablish a connection to PHD2! Aborting... [24/10/2015 23:48:23] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] PHD2 connection terminated... [24/10/2015 23:48:23] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Exiting PHD2 listener... [24/10/2015 23:48:24] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Failed to connect to PHD2. Could not establish socket connection... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] PHD2: Could not stop guider, connection check failed... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Autoguider (PHDv2) failed to stop! [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Park message received. [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Attempting to stop PHD2 guiding... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] PHD2 Not connected! Attempting to reconnect. [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Connecting to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Unpark message received. [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Start tracking [24/10/2015 23:48:25] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Attempting to connect to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:26] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Failed to establish client connection to PHD2 using port 4400: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [24/10/2015 23:48:30] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Failed to establish client connection to PHD2 using port 4400: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [24/10/2015 23:48:33] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Could not etablish a connection to PHD2! Aborting... [24/10/2015 23:48:33] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] PHD2 connection terminated... [24/10/2015 23:48:33] [DEBUG] [PHD2 Listener Thread] Exiting PHD2 listener... [24/10/2015 23:48:34] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:35] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:36] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:37] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:38] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:39] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:40] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:41] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:42] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:43] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:44] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Waiting for socket connection to PHD2... [24/10/2015 23:48:44] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Failed to connect to PHD2. Could not establish socket connection... [24/10/2015 23:48:44] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] PHD2: Could not stop guider, connection check failed... [24/10/2015 23:48:44] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Autoguider (PHDv2) failed to stop! [24/10/2015 23:48:44] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Park message received. [24/10/2015 23:49:07] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Connecting camera in main thread... [24/10/2015 23:49:07] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Connecting ASCOM camera: ASCOM.QHY8L.Camera... [24/10/2015 23:49:07] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Failed to get ExposureMin from camera. : Property read ASCOM.QHY8L.Camera ExposureMin is not implemented in this driver. (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020006): Unknown name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020006 (DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME)) at System.RuntimeType.InvokeDispMethod(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Object target, Object[] args, Boolean[] byrefModifiers, Int32 culture, String[] namedParameters) at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams) at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 243) at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 263 at ASCOM.DriverAccess.Camera.get_ExposureMin() in c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Camera.cs:line 729 at ew.at() [24/10/2015 23:49:20] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Disconnecting ASCOM camera: QHY8L-StarSenseSci... [24/10/2015 23:49:20] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:49:24] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:49:34] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:49:44] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:49:54] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Creating new sequence with profile: QHY8L+Newt+CC [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing full form reset (with profile QHY8L+Newt+CC)... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] PHD2 Error diconnecting! (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in camera object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New filter wheel object (No Filter Wheel) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in focuser object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] MoveFocuserAbs: Error! The focuser is no longer connected! [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in telescope object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in rotator object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (No Auto Guider) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Populating the form controls... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 0... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Loading custom filter names... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in camera object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New filter wheel object (No Filter Wheel) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in focuser object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] MoveFocuserAbs: Error! The focuser is no longer connected! [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in telescope object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in rotator object... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (No Auto Guider) dispatched... [24/10/2015 23:50:00] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object... [24/10/2015 23:50:04] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:14] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:24] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:34] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:44] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:50:55] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:51:05] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:51:15] [DEBUG] [CP Update Thread] Caught exception in CanPierFlipNow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fb.gw() [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] Camera Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Telescope Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Focuser Thread] Focuser Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Filter Wheel Thread] Filter Wheel Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Auto Guider Thread] Auto Guider Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [TEC Thread] TEC Dispatch loop: Received SGM_TERMINATE... [24/10/2015 23:51:18] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing clean up...