crash after abort meridian flip

Running v2566 I left the session unattended for a while and when I came back the scope was pointing toward the ground due to an apparent scope firmware problem (not an SGP issue, reported on the Gemini-2 forum).

As I was attempting to get the sequence going again, SGP started a meridian flip which I decided to abort (around [1/17/2015 9:43:52 PM] in the log). When I clicked Abort on the AutoSlew window, SGP crashed (Windows: “the program has stopped working”).

Here is the log http://adgsoftware.com/misc/01_sg_logfile_20150117175554.txt
And a crash dump: http://adgsoftware.com/misc/SequenceGenerator.exe.6908.dmp

The exception code in the crash dump is 0xe0434352 which I believe means an unhandled exception.
