Choosing the options shown causes the sequencer to wait for the auto guider to settle after every image is taken increasing sequence time unnecessarily and significantly.
I think this option is supposed to wait after every dither or every AF run.
Not sure when it cropped up again I haven’t been able to image for over a month due to weather and just downloaded the latest SGPro today.
I’m having the same issue and have stopped dithering and everything goes back to normal but I also have a problem when doing a sequence and it goes to do a meridian flip it doesn’t pause the autoguider then a few minutes later it will say guide star lost sequence aborted
Thanks for correcting that. I will download the new version of SGPro however the next few nights will not be clear so I will not have opportunity to check this function.
Can you confirm that the auto guider should wait for the prescribed “settling” time after:
I downloaded the new version last night and it still does the same thing where I can’t dither cause then it goes into settling for along time then aborts sequence and when I do a meridian flip the guiding doesn’t pause so the it aborts and if I recall there used to be a box you can check when to pause guiding when mount slews which is not there under auto guiding