93MB log file: "JNOW to J2000" Debug error messages


Last night’s run resulted in a 93MB log file that is full of Debug messages relating to JNOW to J2000 conversion errors.

[05/25/20 22:09:15.074][DEBUG][CP Update Thread][NONE] Error in control panel UI updater: Error transforming JNOW to J2000! JulianDateTT - ‘0’ is an invalid value. The valid range is: 1757583.5 to 5373484.49999999.
[05/25/20 22:09:15.074][DEBUG][CP Update Thread][NONE] Inner Exception: JulianDateTT - ‘0’ is an invalid value. The valid range is: 1757583.5 to 5373484.49999999.

I’m running the latest version of SGP ( and I’m also running the latest ASCOM release (6.5 RC2).

I had previously been running ASCOM 6.5 RC1, but when I updated SGP to the latest version (#479) last night, I then got JNOW conversion errors when trying to slew to my target (preventing the sequence from running).

Updating to ASCOM 6.5 RC2 solved that issue and allowed my run to execute without any issues - I just ended up with an enormous log file (which SGP LogViewer can’t handle).

Anyway, I’ll try switching back to ASCOM 6.4 tonight and see if that helps, but just curious if others are seeing this issue.


Update: Switched back to ASCOM 6.4 SP1 and all is well.