A note on pricing and a thanks

Dear Team,

I’ve noticed quite a few posts by users exclaiming that SGPro is “ridiculously underpriced” and that they would be happy to pay much more for it.

A note from someone in Australia where the exchange rate hits hard; Thanks for keeping it affordable. When I purchased in April 2017 (with the addons) it cost:

Item Number SGPro2 $99.00 USD 1 $99.00 USD
Item Number MFW $39.00 USD 1 $39.00 USD
Item Number NotSys $19.00 USD 1 $19.00 USD
Subtotal $157.00 USD
Total $157.00 USD
Payment $157.00 USD

From amount $213.71 AUD
To amount $157.00 USD
Exchange rate: 1 Australian dollars = 0.734652 US dollars

So while some say it is underpriced (which it probably is), and they would pay more, some of us are really grateful for the pricing as it is a bit of hit in the hip pocket when you add in the exchange rate.

From a grateful Aussie Customer,


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We actually just lowered the entire price by $58USD since we rolled the Framing and Mosaic Wizard along with the Notification System into the base 3.0 product. Still staying at $99.



I saw that in another thread Jared and was delighted. I noted that in the same thread you indicated that for those who already have the modules, there will be a further reduction, which is greatly appreciated.

It was in threads like those where folks were posting that inspired me to just mention about the rest of the world :slight_smile:
