AAG cloud watcher and Nexdome

I am using an aag cloud watcher and nexdome and using the safety feature and it seems to work fine to send a close command when an unsafe condition occurs as reported by the aag safety monitor.

The problem is that if the shutter just closes but doesn’t return to the park position the shutter motor battery won’t get charged.

So I need the option to send the park command when the aag safety monitor sees an unsafe condition.

Also, it would be helpful to have a park button on the observatory docking module.

You probably want to enable the At Home to Open/Close option:



ok, but I don’t think that will work with the way my dome is setup. I think that box when checked will slew the dome to the home position and then send the close command ?

the problem is my home position is set so that the dome shutter is pointing north to Polaris, but the park position which is 158 degrees away from Polaris is where the shutter needs to close to come in contact with the charger. the option of park observatory with mount works great at end of sequence, I just need the option to send that same park command for an unsafe condition.

make sense ?

That should already be happening depending on how things are configured. An unsafe shutdown is really not much different than a end of sequence shutdown. Can you send a log where an unsafe shutdown has occurred?


I don’t remember for sure the night it happened, but I will test it again and get the log file.

any thoughts on getting a park button on the observatory docking module ?

tested it again and when in a sequence the dome does go to the park position on an unsafe condition, which is how I set it up for the end of sequence.

I think maybe I was playing with the autofocus settings trying to get the focuser backlash compensation set when an unsafe condition occurred and I think the dome just closed.