After upgrade problems with QHY filterWheel

Well, today i started my sequence and the filterwheel doesn´t Works, this filterwheel have 7 positions, and only can read 5. With EZCAP ( QHY Program Capture ), and others programs detects the 7 positions filters.
All drivers are in the last versions.
This problems is after upgrade SGP
Than you

Link to Logs

Approx time of issue: 19:30

Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Ver: (32-bit)
.NET: 4.8

This seems to be an issue linked to the Ascom drivers of the QHY filter wheel.
It doesn’t happen when using the native driver (eg in NINA or in QHY EZCap).

Not much SGP can do short of implementing native drivers I’m afraid.

We are at least two to have seen an improvement with the latest versions of SGPro but it may be some luck.

Correct, with NINA or EZCap they work perfectly.
The truth is that the new functions are very correct and necessary, but the main thing is compatibility with the entire team as always. I find that I cannot finish the sequence of 70 hours that I have accumulated. A little upset. I hope they can fix it quickly.

What I have noticed with my setup is that ascom or qhy driver updates and occasionally other stuff triggers this problem. In my environment there are two ascom filter wheels defined – the triggering change seems to switch which actual ascom device definition is associated with the logical devices SGP references. And the default is a five hole wheel. I think the filter wheel devices just get re-enumerated in random order. Native drivers would be nice as other programs that I occasionally use are not affected by this issue. When I notice it I just swap the filter wheel profiles references. Still a pain.

Well, it seems I have found the solution. I have downgraded to version, and the solution is to reselect the camera, make sure the mode is selected, gain, etc. Once selected, it recognizes the filter holder wheel with its 7 positions as always.
Please native drivers in SGP