Arcsec/pix data missed in plate solve

Inexplicably, suddenly, the plate solver has given an error for not having entered the arcsec/pix data and, no matter how many times I enter the data, it is deleted by an unknow cause and the error appears again.

Link to Logs

Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Ver: (64-bit)
.NET: 4.8

Is this problem the same as ?

Yes, it is. I see there is not a solution yet.

This is actually on the current “maintenance release backlog”. I’m sure the fix is easy, but having difficulty pinning down exactly what conditions cause the scale to wipe. Any thoughts here? For instance, was there a plate solve error before this? Does the sequence load with the correct scale and then disappear at some point in the future?

@EricC I have certainly seen your note here, but I can’t reproduce any situation where this happens:

I can 100% reproduce it. Any time a plate solve fails (at least with ASATP), the scale is set to 0 and the next plate solve fails.
Any easy test: Keep the roof closed, do a plate solve, which will fail. Look at the scale.

I can do any additional testing you want.

I suspect this is why you see this issue and I don’t. There are many ways to invoke a plate solve and maybe differentiating among them matters here.

Can you tell me what “sync method” you are using (exactly)? For instance, are you using one of these buttons?


Or possibly one of

the “paired” buttons for the same actions, but located on the Control Panel instead?

Or are you using an “implicit sync”? Meaning, one of the several actions that will sync your rig in the context of a different action like centering, etc


This is what I use:


After I open the roof I give it 30-60 minutes before imaging, so I typically slew to the object, do a couple plate solve/re-slews, then focus.