ASI 224 Cooled not working in SGP

I am testing one of the new ZWO cooled cameras (ASI 224 Cooled) but cannot get It work with SGP. The camera has an ASCOM driver which does appear in the camera drop down list and I can select it and connect to it (the connect icon turns green) but that is all. The camera does work with other software ie Sharpcap.

problem resolved - admin please close.

Could you please share the solution? I have the same issue.



Hi John

It’s that long ago now I can’t remember lol.

I’m using SGP v2.5.09 BETA and it works fine with that.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for replying. I’m using, which hopefully is more stable than the beta version you’re using; but maybe not!

Out of interest, do you see two ASCOM cameras in the SGP camera drop-down list? I uninstalled the ZWO ASCOM driver and re-installed, but I still see “ASI Camera (1)” & “ASI Camera (2)” in the drop-down.

I’m wondering whether I have some crap left over from a previous installation that could be messing with SGP.


i’ll have to connect the camera up, it will be tomorrow now but i’ll have a look. what you’re saying rings a bell though and I have a feeling I had to clear out all previous drivers and do a clean reinstall. the good news is that it does work! i’ll be in touch tomorrow.

Thanks, much appreciated. I’d be interested in knowing what you had to do the “clean up the drivers”. Do they leave any .dlls or other files sitting around after an uninstall?


The Camera driver installer may be installing two copies of the driver with different names. This is to allow two cameras to be run at the same time.


I think the problem could be a problem with the ASI ASCOM driver running on a virtual machine (Windows 10 guest on a Mac). The ASI troubleshooing FAQ states that there may be problems running on VMs.

I installed the same driver on a native Windows 10 PC and it worked fine (but also with two cameras showing up).


Hi John

First off - I am using SGP v2.5.1.17 too! Not sure where the previous version number came from.

I see two camera entries in the drop list which for me are simply called ASI224(1) and ASI224(2). Selecting either one works.

My camera driver is v1.0.0.3 and i’m using the latest ASCOM driver v1.02.16.

Hope this helps.