Astrophotography Slack?

Ken and I are contemplating opening up our Slack instance to the AP community for discussions on AP, SGP, and, primarily, Cat Memes. If you’re unfamiliar with slack you can find more info here: Basically Slack is a chat client that supports channels (rooms for you IRC types). The entire instance is generally dedicated to a large topic (ours would be Astrophotography with some smatterings of the visual stuff). Channels have more specific purposes within that topic. So things like “CCD Cameras”, “Mounts”, “SGP”, “Images”, etc.

Just wondering if this is something people would find useful or if it’s something you would care to to partake in. It’s a nice way to get more real time conversation about AP things and I think it would be pretty awesome for the community as well!

This is NOT FOR SUPPORT! Our forums will still serve that purpose. However we’ll likely have a #sos channel where you can ask for help during an imaging run from other SGP users that happen to be online at the time.

Thank you,



I am unfamiliar with Slack but would be open to trying it.


Sure, could’ve used some help or sympathy tonight. :cry:

We use Slack as a communication tool and it works well.

I think it’s a great idea to have another tool for the community to get together on. I’m in.


This is something I might actually use Slack for and find useful and enjoyable rather than the miasma of torments it usually brings me!

Yes, please!

interesting! i am too old to have ever had to have used slack at work but i understand it is all the rage now. sounds like it could be useful to have a ‘real-time’ community.

That sounds awesome… love slack.

Sounds like a handful of folks are on board! We’re in the process of getting ready to open it up. What kinds of channels would you all find useful?


Just went out to the Slack web site, looks very interesting. Sounds like a great idea for SGP folks to collaborate and help others in almost real time


A few off the top of my head would be:

  1. Hardware: Focusers, Rotators, Flat Panel Etc. I see what seems like lots or requests for help on these and other hardware related items.
  2. Plate Solving and maybe Astromety Net
  3. SGP start up and/or lock up issues
  4. Observatory
  5. Environment Devices
  6. Framing & Mosaic

Just some of my thoughts.


  • SGP
  • Not SGP

Let’s keep it simple. :slight_smile:


  • Cat memes
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Naah, DOG memes. :wink:

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We’re going to open it up in a couple of days. I’m still working out channels. There’s always a mix between “Too Generic” and “Too specific”. Channels will be locked down. But people can and should feel free to recommend new ones at least initially.


Awesome! I use slack for work it’s great! I’m excited to hear it come to the sgp community. I’m down.


Here’s the link to invite yourself into the slack instance! Have fun! Be nice :smiley:


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