Auto focus failing to move to focuser to new focus point and hangs

Hi guys,

I am using a Baader Steel drive focuser and recently updated my laptop to Windows 10. I previously had no issues to using this focuser for auto focus. I would first open the driver, set the USB port and position of the focuser and then open SGP and SGP would know where it was and autofocus worked fine.

Now it “hangs” saying focuser moving to next position. This can happen after one point, or after 4-5 points, or it might work sometimes. When it does not work I cancel and it tries again or I do it manually until it works.

The driver I was using was several years old and I did update this after the problem started, but it has continued. Not sure if SGP still thinks it’s the old driver or if it is a cable or USB issue.

Hope you can help!!

Thank you!

John Kazanas

Link to Logs

Approx time of issue: 2/10/2024 2:51 AM

Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
.NET: 4.8

Your focuser connection id definitely the issue here:

[10/03/24 02:54:50.837][DEBUG][Sequence Thread][SQ;BC;] BlockUntilFocuserMovementDone: Timeout!  Focuser trying to get to 5889, but reports it is at 5959!

Even with several retry attempts it won’t budge. I can’t speak to the driver, but it seems like you may have multiple drivers installed. I would first start by removing (not reinstalling) all focuser drivers and then only re-install the one you intend to use.

It is more likely though that Windows 10 USB drivers are to blame here and, if using a USB hub, try to temporarily bypass it to see if the issue clears up.

Thanks Ken,

Makes sense. I did check the compatibility of the old driver and it appears incompatible with Windows 10. It looks like it is no longer supported by Baader - I have started an email exchange with them to see if they know of a driver for Windows 10. Otherwise I hope I can find simply a generic ASCOM driver that I can use? I have also emailed Orion UK who were the original manufacturers.

Unfortunately, unless Baader implements the RoboFocus standard, likely not. It’s the only “open” standard I know of that multiple different controllers actually use.