Auto Guiding PHD2

I am glad it seems from a later post in this thread that you were able to get things to work out. In the reply to my comment you mentioned that “SGP would not resume after a platesolve and it waits on PHD2 which is running fine” but you didn’t say what SGP was doing before pausing for platesolve - what is it expected to resume doing. This would have been important because if it is platesolving after automatic centering it means a flip may have happened or a new target may have been slewed to, and either of these will cause guiding to stop temporarily. But it looks like I may be reading too much into this or overthinking it. The bottom line is that you have things running.

Incidentally, I am not an expert with SGP but my approach with troubleshooting has been to simplify things. Use of profiles can complicate things, for example, because of a setting I may have specified in the profile which is deeply buried and not very obvious and could now be causing an operational issue.

Good luck.




I don’t know how you connect equipment to SGP without creating a profile. For Every piece of gear that I connect to SGP I have to go into the profile manager and fill in the information about that specific equipment. I.E. for the camera I connect I have to assign an ASCOM driver, a resolution, pixel size, focal length, ect. With out this information there is no way that I know for SGP to automate the process.

I am new to SGP, maybe I don’t understand what you are suggesting that I do.


Kevin - may I suggest you take a look at some YouTube videos I created that answer your questions.

This is great, thank you