Autofocus running despite being deslected in the control panel

I have chosen to autofocus on image history, I have no other triggers set for auto focus. For some reason autofocus is running on sequence start and on filter change. The whole point is I want to rotate through LRGB, dither every 4 frames instead of every, and repeat to save time and only focus when needed. It’s not supposed to be autofocusing on filter change.

Link to Logs

Approx time of issue: 10:00 AM

Useful Info

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro N
Ver: (64-bit)
.NET: 4.8

this is the post with the logs

I took a look here and don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe there is a misunderstanding of the rules that govern the trigger? HFR change will sometimes trigger focus at the start of a “new” filter so that it can establish a baseline from which to measure the established change.

It is possible to disable this behavior, but, in this case, you need to make sure that all of your events should have the same expected HFR when at focus.
