Autofocus with part of an image--would be a HUGE help!

Hi, I’m sure I’m far from the first person to request this, but the ability to select an arbitrary part of an image to apply autofocus to would be a massive game changer. I know you can reduce the area by a percentage but the problem areas of an image are usually in the centre (dense nebula cores). Tarantula in particular is almost impossible for me to focus on. If one could draw a rectangle on any part of the image to use as the focusing data set this would me immensely helpful. I can’t say just how massive this improvement would be. Alternatively (definitely worse but acceptable)…if we could have the option to autofocus on a different selected coordinate that would be clunky but would work.
Please consider!
All the best,
Franco Rodriguez from Australia

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While we do not have a promised date for such a thing, the solution we have come up with for this is referred to as “Auto Focus Sets”. An Auto Focus Set is independent of the sequence but can be attached to a sequence (like a user profile for example).

The Auto Focus set editor allows for

  • Capture of the current target to establish a working canvas
  • Drawing tools that add regions for capture
  • Drawing tools that remove regions from capture
  • Duplicate existing as a starting point for new
  • Form elements to allow for naming the set
  • Form elements to allow a default auto focus set designation


  • A sequence may have a global default set (this would be a set that was crafted as a result of optical abberations specific to equipment and nothing to do with targets… e.g. star pilling at the corners, etc)
  • Then, in the cases where the default set is not adequate, every target in a sequence can establish an auto focus set override. It is here that yoy may wish to specify a set that has the center middle cut out or something similar.