Autofocus with part of an image--would be a HUGE help!

While we do not have a promised date for such a thing, the solution we have come up with for this is referred to as “Auto Focus Sets”. An Auto Focus Set is independent of the sequence but can be attached to a sequence (like a user profile for example).

The Auto Focus set editor allows for

  • Capture of the current target to establish a working canvas
  • Drawing tools that add regions for capture
  • Drawing tools that remove regions from capture
  • Duplicate existing as a starting point for new
  • Form elements to allow for naming the set
  • Form elements to allow a default auto focus set designation


  • A sequence may have a global default set (this would be a set that was crafted as a result of optical abberations specific to equipment and nothing to do with targets… e.g. star pilling at the corners, etc)
  • Then, in the cases where the default set is not adequate, every target in a sequence can establish an auto focus set override. It is here that yoy may wish to specify a set that has the center middle cut out or something similar.