Balancing Mount for Auto-Meridian flips

I am getting closer to trying the meridian flip features of SGP and have a question about balancing my mount. Standard practice is to have the mount balance loaded to the east for tracking performance. I do this with my CGE Pro, but now I was wondering what to do for meridian flips that are automated. Should I just get it as balanced as possible? That seems to be the only logical approach. My mount does have spring loaded worm assembles, so maybe that makes the off-balance unnecessary?

Thanks for any insight.

As long as your mount isn’t grossly out of balance it shouldn’t make much
difference as far as the meridian flip is concerned. With my G11 I
carefully balance the mount and then slightly off-balance it by moving
the counterweight out a little bit, and also off-balance in DEC just a
little bit. This assures that no matter which side the scope is on the RA
teeth are engaged. I don’t know how a CGE compares but I’m guessing it’s

Yup. There are ways to automate getting your mount E or W heavy… I just balance it as good as I can and it seems to work just fine.

I use a counterweight system that always pulls east. So it keeps everything East Bias.

Here’s the initial mock up. There’s a 7lb weight on the end of that. Works well!



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That is a great idea Jared. I will have to look into implementing that somehow on my mount if the balanced approach does not work.

As long as your mount isn’t grossly out of balance it shouldn’t make much
difference as far as the meridian flip is concerned. With my G11 I
carefully balance the mount and then slightly off-balance it by moving
the counterweight out a little bit, and also off-balance in DEC just a
little bit. This assures that no matter which side the scope is on the RA
teeth are engaged. I don’t know how a CGE compares but I’m guessing it’s