Behaviour of Flats task in a sequence


Firstly love the product and the support is next level…
Couple of questions…

  1. Is there a way to automatically assign the flats ISO/Binning to match the lights ISO/Binning and the Darks exposure to the Lights exposure?
  2. Short of using a vbs script is there a way to automatically slew the scope to a set Alt/Az prior to the flats sequence and then reverting it to the next target location automatically (with potentially a different set of ISO/Binning exposure lengths)
  3. If the vbs is the only way, is there a way to have it as a predefined script as part of every time I select flats as the item to do.

and finally
4. Is there a possibility of getting a FlatDarks image type added to the system that matches the exposure length of the flats automatically



For flats yes, you can use the “Flats Wizard” to create a flats target with the correct ISO/Binning set as well as exposure if you’ve previously ran the flats calibration wizard.

No, best option would currently be to set your park position to the flats position and park for the flats. Although doing this and then having another target after would likely lead to some issues.

Not currently.

I’m not sure if we would add a specific “FlatDarks” type but I could see us expanding the “Flats Wizard” to be more of a “Calibration Wizard” in which you have the option to select different types of calibration frames to take given your current sequence. Even if we added a “FlatsDark” type you’d still have to manually enter the exposure time as you could have multiple filters that were being used.
