Best astro-related Xmas present

After a year of obsessive behavior on my part, it was only to be expected that my children decided to get me Astro-related Xmas presents:

  1. Pack of 100 luminous sticky stars (for cloudy nights)
  2. T-shirt - with the slogan “In my day, there were nine planets”
  3. A coffee mug with the Messier 100 images on it.

(My wife allowed me to image on Xmas eve…)

Any fun presents received by anybody else?

Hehe, I left the scope running on xmas eve, we went to my parents place for dinner after dinner I carried all my 3 kids to bed then I helped santa to place the presents under the tree and went to bed around 4am.

First thing in the morning when my kids run for the xmas tree I checked the telescope and it was parked, it aborted the sequence cause PHD2 has hanged.



I’m proud owner of a star apparently. Kind of a neat frame and a picture of the star. It’s appropriate since it’s Ragnar :smile: