The platesolve doesn’t work on an Italian PC with Windows 7. The problem is that platesolve2 is called from SGP with the parameters that use “,” instead of “.” ("," is the Italian separator for decimal) and it give as an error on wrong number of parameters. I modify the international configuration and now it works.
But it is just a workaround to try the functionality, I need the Italian configuration of Windows.
Is there is another solution or it is a bug?
I have Sitech II Controler on my Mount and I resolved the issue by selecting English USA as my pcs default language.
This is a known issue with several other posts. It has been fixed in an
unreleased beta.
I think I have the same issue with the build so the problem is still not fixed!
Will need logs from someone at this point because I don’t know what else to do. There are several users in regions that use “,” as the decimal separator that are not reporting issues.
[21/08/2015 12:06:53] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Tried to display solved stars, but list is null
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Angle - 265,687152051527
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Scale - 2,34309369559496
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: RA - 20,7929525696887
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: DEC - 31,6006839140818
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: RA - 2079295256968,87
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: DEC - 316006839140818
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: SCALE - 0
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Width - 1619
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Height - 1219
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Regions - 999
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Command Line:
[21/08/2015 12:06:56] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\PlateSolve2.exe 544358225328.124000000000000,5515359801827.360000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,999,C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Image Plate Solve: Failed to solve image…
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Invoking blind failover…
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET convertedAstrometry.fits path: C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - File is too large, resizing
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Saving file
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET using endpoint:
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Calling Async Solve
[21/08/2015 12:07:03] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET uploading file: C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[21/08/2015 12:07:15] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Upload complete
[21/08/2015 12:07:15] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Waiting for solve to complete
[21/08/2015 12:07:16] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Job successfully solved
[21/08/2015 12:07:16] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET solve done in 12 seconds.
[21/08/2015 12:07:16] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Completed
[21/08/2015 12:07:16] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Successful
[21/08/2015 12:07:16] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Attempting to write fits header info for
“Formato stringa in input non corretto” in english “format of the string in input is not correct”
If could help if I plate solve from the programm itself it work great!
Your solves are failing because your scale is 0, not because of region.
the image is acquired by sgp so why scale is not in the fits header? anyway when I try to plate solve I have an error 6 with the run time saying overflow.
Thank you
Even if I write the right scale I have no lucky. And I have the same issue saying “Run-time error ‘6’ - Overflow”
Your scale is not written if SGPro does not have it available (no previous solve was made prior to the capture attempt). Will need to see logs again for the attempt with the valid scale.
[21/08/2015 13:46:33] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Tried to display solved stars, but list is null
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Angle - 265,687152051527
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Scale - 2,34309369559496
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: RA - 20,7881823850737
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: DEC - 31,5914237328401
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: RA - 20788182385073,7
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: DEC - 315914237328401
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: SCALE - 2,37
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Width - 1619
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Height - 1219
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Regions - 999
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Command Line:
[21/08/2015 13:47:05] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\PlateSolve2.exe 5442333421869.350000000000000,5513743595307.370000000000000,0.018602446388277,0.014006412691359,999,C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Image Plate Solve: Failed to solve image…
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Invoking blind failover…
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET convertedAstrometry.fits path: C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - File is too large, resizing
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Saving file
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET using endpoint: /
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Calling Async Solve
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Exception in Astrometry.NET Solver: URI non valido: impossibile determinare il formato dell’URI.
[21/08/2015 13:47:12] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET solve done in 0 seconds.
[21/08/2015 13:47:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Completed
[21/08/2015 13:47:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Failed to solve image.
[21/08/2015 13:47:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Blind failover failed, quitting…
Even if I enter manually the scale it always popup with the Run-time Error 6 Overflow.
OK… Sorry. I’m tired. Somehow your conversion for degrees to radians is broken badly. I have made a couple changes, but more importantly, added more logging…
This is not an installer. Would you mind replacing your existing exe file in your Program Files (x86) directory with this and trying again?
No problem at all! thank you very much for the support!
[21/08/2015 16:25:19] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Machine ID found…
[21/08/2015 16:25:20] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Checking for valid internet connection…
[21/08/2015 16:25:20] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Valid internet connection detected…
[21/08/2015 16:25:21] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Request for licenses successful, writing cookie…
[21/08/2015 16:25:21] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Applying licenses…
[21/08/2015 16:25:21] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Licensing: Licenses applied…
[21/08/2015 16:25:21] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] SGPro retail license…
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading notification settings! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\notifications.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading GNS endpoint settings! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\gnsSettings.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading email endpoint addresses! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\1-emailEndpointAddresses.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading email endpoint addresses! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\2-emailEndpointAddresses.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading email endpoint addresses! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\3-emailEndpointAddresses.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\1-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\2-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Error loading text file endpoint data! Impossibile trovare il file ‘C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Sequence Generator Pro\3-textFileEndpointSettings.sgd’.
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] ===== S E Q U E N C E G E N E R A T O R (v2.4.2.7) =====
[21/08/2015 16:25:22] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Focuser Thread] Entering Fouser message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [TEC Thread] Entering TEC message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Filter Wheel Thread] Entering Filter Wheel message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Camera Thread] Entering camera message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Rotator Thread] Entering Rotator message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Auto Guider Thread] Entering Auto Guider message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Auto Guider Error Thread] Entering Auto Guider message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Dome Thread] Entering Dome message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Telescope Thread] Entering Telescope message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Settings changed (or loaded)…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiAutoStretch = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastFileFolder =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFormScaleWarning = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt2Address = 278
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliFlushLow = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt1Address = 378
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiMouseAction = Stretch
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomCamera =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperhumInterval = 300
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingASCOMWarningShown = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateCamScale = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonMirrorSettle = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingInterface =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomFilterWheel =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstroArtDisplayInstructions = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdZoom = 40
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiLastImageDir =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUserTempComp = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDelayFirst = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliNormalSpeedMode = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliHighSpeedMode = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMfPosition = {X=0,Y=0}
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSoundAttention =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPinpointCatalog =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCameraOverhead =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateSolveOn = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstrometryNetEndpointList = System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGGuider = None
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingQSIFanSpeed = 2
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNaggerText =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdDisplay = RA/Dec
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowToolStrip = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowCrosshairs = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometry =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameStringLocation = 2
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgSubFolders = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometrySearch =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingOffset = -1
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoStretchLevel = Low
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUnits = C
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingProfileDirectory =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingBasename =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingHfrColor = Color [RoyalBlue]
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNikonAfBinning = 1
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGFanOffWithTec = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomSafetyMonitor =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiSize = {Width=800, Height=600}
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgCopyAndRenameFiles = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSimDownloadTimesAf = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNagger = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingImportFromCfw = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiShowStatusTrip = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingShowTooltipHelp = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastUpdateCheck = 01/01/2012 00:00:00
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCpPosition = {X=0,Y=0}
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGCfwPort =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiLocation = {X=0,Y=0}
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastCsvFolder =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGFilterWheel = Auto Detect
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGConnection = USB
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDSLRSoftwareBinForAf = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoSave = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFirstTime = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAutoRecoveryActive = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiState = maximized
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingUseSequenceOptions = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSoundCompleted =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTrialExpiredShown = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumColor = Grey
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDataDirectory =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonFileFormat = Single Image (CFA FITS)
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAlnitakComPort =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameFiles = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSubFolder = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastSGSaveFolder =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNikonDataFormat = FITS
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlaySounds = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastNikonType = Auto Connect
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastSequenceStart = 01/01/0001 00:00:00
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomTelescope =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdScale = 100
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgRenameType = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTemperHumUserHumidityComp = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdRaColor = Color [Blue]
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastImageSaveFolder =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgOverwriteExisting = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFinishFullEvent = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMosaicOverlap = 20
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingQSIFanOffWithTec = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingRecentSequences =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDefaultDirectory =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiPhdDecColor = Color [Red]
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstrometryNetEndpoint =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliFlushHigh = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingStarsColor = Color [OrangeRed]
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGLpt3Address = 3BC
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomFocuser =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgLastFolder =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: WindowGeometryOpen =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingNumEvents = 5
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingDelayBetween = 0
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingCanonAfBinning = 1
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingPlateCamBlank =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTempFiles = C:\Temp
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliHighSpeedDesc =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGCfwUseRS232 = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingEnableImageHistory = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGEthernetIP =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliNormalSpeedDesc =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingIgCopyLocation =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSBIGAutoDetectIp = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAstroArtStartApp = True
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingSimDownloadTimesPlate = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMicroTouchLocation =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingEventAlwaysVisible = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingMdiNewWindow = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingTrialQuestionsAsked = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingFliRbiMitigation = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingGain = -1
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomDome =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLookForTemperDevices = False
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingLastAscomRotator =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] * SETTING: settingAfTestPackPath =
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing initialization…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Creating new sequence with default profile: Atik320e-Apo80-CGEM
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Performing full form reset (with profile Atik320e-Apo80-CGEM)…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New camera object (Atik Camera) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New filter wheel object (Manual Filter Wheel) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New focuser object (No Focuser) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New telescope object (Celestron Telescope Driver) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New rotator object (Manual Rotator) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (PHD2) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Populating the form controls…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 0…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 1…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 2…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 3…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Added row 4…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Loading custom filter names…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Retreiving new equipment objects…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in camera object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in filter wheel object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New focuser object (No Focuser) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in telescope object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in rotator object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New dome object (No Observatory) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Entering sequence message dispatch loop…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New flat box object (No Flat Box) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New weather station object (No Safety Monitor) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] New auto guider object (PHD2) dispatched…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] No change in plate solver object…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Checking if version check is required…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Running cleanup…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning 1 files in directory C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp.…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] UI layout found, loading layout at C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\sg_ui_config.xml
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning multi camera registration file…
[21/08/2015 16:25:23] [DEBUG] [Cleaner Thread] Cleaning finished…
[21/08/2015 16:26:01] [DEBUG] [Main Thread] Tried to display solved stars, but list is null
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] SafeParseDouble: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Angle - 265,687152051527
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: Scale - 2,34309369559496
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: RA - 20,7881823850737
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] FitsFileHeaderData: DEC - 31,5914237328401
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: RA (HRS) - 20788182385073,7
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: RA (RAD) - 5442333421869,35
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: DEC (DEG) - 315914237328401
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: DEC (RAD) - 5513743595307,37
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: SCALE - 2,37
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Width - 1619
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Height - 1219
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Param: Regions - 999
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] PlateSove2 Command Line:
[21/08/2015 16:26:13] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\PlateSolve2.exe 5442333421869.3500000000,5513743595307.3700000000,0.01860244638828,0.01400641269136,999,C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Image Plate Solve: Failed to solve image…
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Invoking blind failover…
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET convertedAstrometry.fits path: C:\Users\Matteo\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - File is too large, resizing
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Saving file
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET using endpoint: /
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Calling Async Solve
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Exception in Astrometry.NET Solver: URI non valido: impossibile determinare il formato dell’URI.
[21/08/2015 16:26:20] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET solve done in 0 seconds.
[21/08/2015 16:26:21] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Completed
[21/08/2015 16:26:21] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Failed to solve image.
[21/08/2015 16:26:21] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Blind failover failed, quitting…
this is the log with substituted exe! please let me know…It should be something releated with sgp because the platesolve2 itself work if I solve an image without pass from sgp.
Thank you for the great support
PS: The log looks at my eyes the same as before. But I’m noob in developing so…
@ser1993 What method are you using to enter your ra and dec hints? Are you letting SGPro auto populate them?
Can you put the FITS image on dropbox? I will set my region to yours and see where the breakdown is occurring.
I can do it but before upload all this kind of things please read Here because there are some interesting news about this bug.
Anyway I let sgp enter hints and simple click on Solve. If you need the fit I can upload it but I tried with several fits all are giving me same issue. My region is Italy.
While we have plenty of images hanging around it’s always best to see it from your perspective as closely as possible… Maybe there is something different about the header data? Not sure… Just want to make sure I am seeing what you are seeing and having one of your images is the best way to do that.