Can't launch SGP pro

Can’t launch SGP pro ver. 4 64 bit Beta since this morning. I used it last night fine. I am using Windows 10. I have reinstalled and restarted many times.

Link to Logs

Useful Info


What do the logs say ? They are usually found in C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator

I see this

[06/26/21 14:58:19.668][DEBUG][Unknown][NONE] .NET Framework Version: 4.8
[06/26/21 14:58:19.668][INFO][Unknown][NONE] ASCOM Platform version:
[06/26/21 14:58:19.762][DEBUG][Unknown][NONE] Application level exception! : Unable to open ephemeris file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Astrometry\JPLEPH, RC: 1
at ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVAS.NOVAS31…ctor() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.Astrometry\ASCOM.Astrometry\NOVAS31.vb:line 107
at ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils.InitialiseAstroUtils() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.Astrometry\ASCOM.Astrometry\AstroUtils.vb:line 46
at SequenceGenerator.Astrometry.d()
at t0.a(String[] A_0)

Do I have to role-back to the previous version of ASCOM ?

For a 1st attempt, just try re-installing Ascom…

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That did the trick! Thank you very much for your help!

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