Clouds of IC 2177

This is really a crop from my full image @ ;

Full info there on that web page.


Nice job on this one Kinch. First one I’ve seen in SHO.

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Lovely image Kinch. There appears to be a planetary nebula in the bottom right corner of the full image too. The star quality is fantastic, you are selling the idea of a TAK130 to me… I might sell my WO132.

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Hi Buzz,

Re the PN - that idea was brought up on the TAK forum. I put the image up on Starship Asterisk forum and got a nice explanation for what we are seeing…look at the bottom of my web page with the image (the link is above).

As for the FSQ130 - I just love what this scope is producing for me. BUT don’t forget, it is very much under utilized with the Sony chip. What we are looking at is the very center of the image circle. In the not too distant future, I’ll have a bigger chip to work with - but I suspect that I will be just as happy. With this camera though - pixels are only 3.1 microns. That is why such a crop was possible. Looking for a bigger chip but not with huge pixels, I opted for a camera with the 16200 (6 microns) chip. (I could have went for a 50100 chip…but I may have had to sell the house :frowning:

@Gunny01: I was surprised when you said this is the first NB you have seen of this area - I wanted to look around online before a reply. There are of course ‘plenty’ of such images but indeed I was so surprised that they are far outnumbered (as far as I can see) by RGB images.

Personally, I prefer the blue in NB to the red in RGB - so give me a NB image every time. There will be plenty that will not agree with that…but we are all different.

I did actually get 90 mins of RGB that I want to work in…just have not got around to it yet. I gave it a quick try but was not happy - it will be a job for a wet cloudy night :slight_smile:

Just had to put this one up - I am really happy with the few extra hours work tonight, putting RGB stars into the full image.

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Kinch - could you do me a small favor. I’m thinking of upgrade to the Tak130 but my observatory is quite small. Can you give me the overall length of your imaging setup, with extended dew shield and camera at focus, with the approx balance position?

@buzz No problem. There are a few shots & info on my web page Takahashi FSQ130ED - KinchAstro
…but if you contact me either here (PM) or via my web site with your email address…we can go further. Presently I have the extender on the scope and that is definitely the longest set-up I have with this scope. I will get some measurements on that for you this morning.
Re the balance - you can see that I use a pair of rings - not the Tak tube holder - always a better option for photography I think. I have a small Obs too -1.1m radius (2.2m Pulsar) …and there is no problem getting around the scope.
Talk later…(via email).

Thanks we are at cross purposes, I thought this image was taken with the TOA130. I forgot there was a new FSQ model for those with megabucks! The FSQ130 would not fit in my observatory for sure, as there would be no room for it and me and my sleeping bag when the other half kicks me out!

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No worries…There are plenty out there with the TOA 130 - perhaps someone will come back to you with the info you need.


nicely done

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