Community Input: How to you use Readout Mode?

A near-future maintenance SGPro 4.4 will add support for camera readout mode:

  • Manually
  • In a sequence
  • In AutoFlats

The exact details of this work are not yet known. We have ideas around it, but have decided to solicit feedback here to see what other workflows we might be missing.

So… how do you use it? In other words, what conditions cause it to vary? For instance, you might identify parameters like:

  • For light images I use readout mode [mode]…
  • For bias images I use readout mode [mode]…
  • For any image > 10 sec I use readout mode [mode]…
  • For any image binned 1x1 I use readout mode [mode]…

You get the idea. Readout mode will be adjustable all the way down to the event level, but, if possible, we’d like to ensure that less arduous settings exist that may help cover your workflow without the tedium of setting each event manually.

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My use case, using a QHY294M :
For DSO objects :

  • HSO Lights + Flats in 11M Mode
  • LRGB Lights + Flats in 47M Mode

That means for a given DSO target I will need to set the Mode 4 times (HSO, LRGB, HSO Flats , LRGB Flats).

As I use an automated dimmable flat panel I have one set of Darks and one set of Flat Darks for each Mode.

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Just a setting on events does everything I would need. I just need to set Mode in the same circumstances that I would set gain and offset.

I did a test for our QHY268m camera, IMX571 sensor. It looks like the manufacturer is not wrong. I had a bit of trouble keeping the lighting right in the first test for Photographic DSO but the rest is ok. I also did the test for standard reading as well as with secondary sampling, the difference is visible on the graphs. My conclusion is that for LRGB channels it is best to use Photographic DSO 2CMS and gain 26 and for NB HighGainMode 2CMS for gain 56.

I think this is a pretty good reason to provide the ability to change the readout mode from within the event options.

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