SGP currently allows you to set either an altitude for a target to start/end or a raw start/end time. This works well for simple cases, but throughout the year as dawn & dusk times change I have to change when my targets can start and end. The target planning tools section is conveniently aware of when dusk and dawn are, so it’s not the worst ever to figure out.
However, what I really want is to automate this so I don’t have to update it manually. What I propose is a pair of time+altitude constraints like the following:
- Target start: “Start at astronomical dark and >X degrees.”
- Target end: “End at astronomical dawn or <X degrees”
These two combined would let you start a target at dark so long as it’s >30 degrees, for instance, and end another target at dawn or <30 degrees. With that in place you’d never have to touch target start & end times after target creation!