Connection to flat panel

Good day,

I’m having an issue connecting my flat panel Wanderer Cover V4-EC. It was connecting and working fine with ASCOM V6.6 SP2, but now with ASCOM V7.0.1, I get the error message ‘’Error connecting to WandererEmpire Device 1! Entry point was not found’’. I get the same message if I use the ASCOM Cover Calibrator Simulator. I’m using the latest Wanderer driver.

In the log, I tried connecting the Wanderer Cover V4-EC at 15h45 and I tried connecting the Cover Calibrator Simulator at 15h50.

Thanks - Denis

Link to Log:

Additional info:
SGP V4.4.1.1441
WandererEmpire V 2.0.5
ASCOM V7.0.1.4630 (update 1)
Windows 11 Pro Version 22H2
PC: Minix Z100-0dB with N100 CPU 16GB RAM/512G SSD

Unfortunately, this is an issue that need be escalated to the driver’s author as all of these messages come from the driver itself and not SGPro. Theoretically ASCOM 7 is 100% compatible with older ASCOM drivers, but, given its general newness, there may be some caveats here.

You may want to not just re-install, but uninstall and then re-install the drivers here. This message only means something to the driver’s author, but if I were forced to guess, it sounds to me like the ASCOM framework is attempting to load a native DLL file that the flatbox depends upon and either:

  • It’s not there
  • It’s corrupted
  • It’s there but the wrong bitness (i.e. 64-bit and needs to be 32 bit or vice-e-versa)

Hi I have the same error with wanderer cover 3, ascom 7.01 and sgp 3.2.066. I have run ascom diangostics and there is no error report. Furthermore other programs like NINA and mountwizard4 are working properly with the same wanderer cover.

Hi Luigi.
I also did some test with NINA and it’s connecting fine.
Something common with SGP and NINA is if I try to connect with the ASCOM Cover Calibrator Simulator, it fails !
I just roll back to ASCOM 6.6 SP2 and everything is working fine with WandererEmpire V1.0.6, V2.0.5 and V2.0.6. The ASCOM Cover Calibrator Simulator also works fine with SGP and NINA !
So, I’m a bit puzzled ! Can it be related to ASCOM V7.0.1 ?

Hi Denis,
just tried the ASCOM cover simulator with NINA and indeed, it crashes, so it may be related to ASCOM… I was also considering to roll back to previous version of ASCOM. I have already ruined last night observing. Can you advise how to go back to the previous version of ASCOM?

Hi Luigi,
I used the Windows 11 application uninstall, then reboot the PC and install V6.6 SP2.
I just created a topic in the ASCOM forum.

This is indeed being worked on the ASCOM Help forum. Thanks for trying to help.

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Good day Luigi - Ken
Ok, the issue was with ASCOM. I open a topic and Peter was able to provide a beta version of ASCOM V7.0.2.
With this version installed and the latest version of WandererEmpire V2.0.6 installed, everything connects and works normally with SGP and NINA !
Link to V7.0.2 beta:

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