Crashes and freezes

I had a frustrating night last night with SGP freezing and crashing after I had moved my wiring on my USB hub.
I had a freeze when doing a plate solve. Took picture and just froze. I had to use CTL-ALT-DEL to get control back so I could kill SGP and restart. This happened multiple times.
Also issues with exception error crash of SGP when it could not find my Lakeside focuser.
Are logs of each crash saved desperately?
Hoping for a smoother night tonight.

Each time you open SGP it makes a new log for that session so yes.

You can test plates solving offline as well by right clicking on one of your images and selecting plate solve. (That is if you have at least 1 image you were able to take) if not you would need an image with the same pixel scale.

Have you tried the frame/focus just indoors to test that. Make sure you can download frames successfully with a few indoor tests.