Did all the ASI6200 problems get resolved

Yes, makes sense. I have also an Eagle3S which is a i3 processor and 9 GB ram. I will see if i get some improvement.

Joel, Can you give me a hint on which cable you ultimately bought. There are so many choices.

This is what I bought: Amazon.com
I’ve been using these cables for a few months now.

The issue is very frustrating. I typically image flawlessly for 3 to 4 hours, and then the trouble starts. Every other frame starts dropping. But if I then shut everything down and reboot, it will be good again for another 3 to 4 hours. Almost like something is going to sleep somewhere, but I can’t find the problem.

If I only image for 3 hours each night, I would never see the problem.

I know this is stupid, but have you set the “sleep” to never?

Yes, Robert, and I also adjusted the USB suspend settings as discussed in this thread:

I think if it was truly a “sleep” type issue it would just stop imaging. But instead it perfectly images every other one. I think it is USB related, because if I use a different or longer cable, the same problems occur but much sooner and more frequently.

I appreciate the thought, Robert! At this point I will take any help I can get!

This is slow because of your pc, i download files in 2-3 secs

I have reported the problem with the first frame now downloading several times without anyone caring.
Even if it’s not a SGP problem it would be easy for SGP devs to create an easy fix by just taking a dummy frame right after the camera is connected and aborting after a couple seconds.

My solution for SGP dropping frames has been to have few targets in the sequence, clear all sequence files and clear image browser cache, this seems to free up enough memory so SGP won’t hit the limit when it starts dropping frames.

It is odd we have these different issues. My sequence has 50 targets in it and I usually target 4 per night. No issues with the first frame or any other one.

Yes, we are all seeing different behaviors. I never have a problem with the first frame, and clearing caches, etc. doesn’t make a difference. It is a difficult to diagnose issue.

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Didn’t have any issues with our 6200 although we used it only for a few nights and then it was shipped to the new observatory

Eagle 3 is why you get 15s downloads. Celeron processor is slow, and 4GB RAM.

smh for the price of an Eagle, that sure seems underpowered

I configured my OTA mounted NUC i5 USB to have USB-C straight to the ASI6200, USB-3.1 to the ASi174mm, USB-2.0 to the EFW. USB 3.1 to the Focuser. I am not using the on camera USB hub. I have run Flats, Darks, 300s and 600s light frames. The log shows between 3.5 to 4 second download times. I hate to post for fear it will jinx my lack of download errors or dropped frames.

Ive been extensively using my 6200 for five months now and echo joelshort’s experience. I connect a good quality USB3 cable directly from my NUC to my camera, so there are now two USB cables from my NUC to my scope - 1 for the 6200 and 1 for my Pegasus UPBv2. I initial had issues connecting the 6200 via the Pegasus hub, but then frames were dropped - likely too much traffic and large files. Everything else is connected via the UPBv2. No issues. Maybe that’s the price to pay for fast 60MP file transfers at the same time as autoguiding, etc,. Hope this helps.

I can’t verify it’s 100% fixed, but the newest ZWO driver definitely seems better when it comes to images not downloading/saving.
I updated both the camera driver and ASCOM driver.

Would be nice to see others test it and tell about their experience.

I’ve been using those new drivers every night this week. I didn’t really have problems before but I haven’t noticed any problems since either.

I haven’t tried the new driver but a simple test is frame and focus exposures on loop. If a download fails F&F stops and an error window appears. 5 second exposures run for 10 minutes for example. Then stop and repeat several times. I’ve gone 200 F&F exposures without errors then just when I think it’s fixed I get frequent errors.

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Last night I had both my ASI6200MM and ASI2600MC looping 1s exposures for about 10min and had a download error with the ASI6200. But it ran all night long (10min exposures) without issue.

Sounds like the driver didn’t fix it. Let’s get that 64 bit version out so I can get back to using trusty SGP.

Is the current v4 beta only available in 32-bit? Can we get a 64-bit beta out to see if it finally fixes the download issues? It’s been almost 6 months since I first reported the problem.