You’re absolutely right. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks to Jason for considering this. For my purposes anyway, “every 3 dithers” would work perfectly.
You’re absolutely right. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks to Jason for considering this. For my purposes anyway, “every 3 dithers” would work perfectly.
Jared thanks for checking into this, while in that area of the code, and if you have time of course. (No rush)
Could you remove the initial dither on Frame 1?
I really do appreciate you looking into this. Thanks!
How would your implementation work for those of us in the OSC world (such as DSLRs) where there is no filter changes?
The dither isn’t tied to a filter change event. I was meaning that I would not reset any dither count during a filter change. For instance lets say you’re doing 4 images of 2 filters and dithering every 3 images. With a mono you get:
Red Image
Red Image
Red Image
---- Dither
Red Image
Blue Image
Blue Image
---- Dither
Blue Image
Blue Image
You’d probably expect:
Red Image
Red Image
Red Image
— Dither
Red Image
**** Filter change. Reset image/dither counter
Blue Image
Blue Image
Blue Image
— Dither
Blue Image
With OSC you get a more pure “3 images per dither” as you’re not expecting the “images count” to be reset. Essentially I’m saying that the images count will not be tied to an event or even a target. It will dither every X frames as you specify and won’t care what the event is. If it would normally have triggered a dither previously it will get added to the overall images.
Hope that helps,
Because of a lack of imaging time weather in the uk I usually do something like L L R G B ( multiple times)
with all the filter change time that is incorporated ETC
I really would like just to dither at the start of each seq i.e for me LLRGB- Dither-LLRGB-Dither and so on
I think in that case your just set the count to 5. That way it would dither all 5 frames.
Would that work?
AH I see what you are suggesting , Yes that would work
I hope you are enjoying your break
That’s Ken. Business as usual for me but at a more sane pace
Thanks very much Jared, your explanation now makes perfect sense
MMM sorry about that < Its hot here in the Uk and we are not used to it
My brain has given up the ghost.
So Glad to see your hard at it still
Keep well
Bumping this thread back up. Any ETA on the dithering changes? I think there are a number of folks eager to see this in action!
We will likely address this in the 2.5.2 beta, but “when” is unsure. Although “in 2016” is a good bet.
This has been implemented and will be out in the 2.5.2 beta.
Great news Jared. I really do appreciate you implementing this.