Does anybody use a Lacerta MGEN3 with SGP

I have a Lacerta MGEN3 autoguiding system that I use with my RASA V2 on the CEM70G mount.

This works great with no issues. I uderstand that this device also works with SGP according to the manufacturers web site info.

I’m not sure how the guiding is initially set to fire off by itself in the SGP settings either. I would normally start guiding manually through the MGEN3 virtual interface which gets initialised when connecting the camera . The interface is oddly configured with the MGEN APP as this is configured as your camera (not the guider) and then the camera your using for the main imaging is set within the ASCOM settings of the MGEN APP. This allows the MGEN3 to control dithering- firing the camera when dither and settling has taken place.

I’m curious, however, how the change of target is handled- I’ve not experienced a live run with SGP yet as the weather is bad.

I’m assuming that if I’m guiding on target one when the mount slews to target two the MGEN3 detects the slew and then carries on guiding using the stars found in the new field?- what I don’t want to experience is a crash of the guider however it’s unclear how this will work. I really need the right weather to do any testing so I can begin to answer my own questions but for now I will need to rely on the good will of the forum.

Thank you for any help or advice you can give.

Best wishes