Don't try to open observatory roof when conditions are safe

My SkyRoof observatory roof device reports the status of the roof but ignores instructions to open/close it. After the roof closes due to unsafe conditions, and then 5 minutes after conditions become safe again SGP tries to open the roof. In my case that never succeeds so SGP aborts the sequence. The SkyRoof will open the roof after 10 safe minutes, but by then SGP has stopped.

It would be nice if there were an option to tell SGP to NOT try and open the roof, but instead check the roof status and if it’s open, restart the sequence.


I would,

check to see if Skyroof is selected in equipment manager, check if it is slaved to telescope in options, and uncheck anything g i. it’s own driver that precludes SGP from closing it.
Not that the way you prefer is wrong
Clear Skies,


SkyRoof Hub is the Observatory setting.
My roof is not directly connected to the SkyRoof; instead, the SkyRoof calls the “open” script when the Open button in the SkyRoof software is pressed, and that script opens my roof. Unfortunately SkyRoof doesn’t call that script from the ASCOM driver so my roof doesn’t open.

I’ve asked InteractiveAstronomy a couple times if they would change that, but they haven’t updated the software in a few years.

Hi Eric,

I’m having failure to open roof/sequence abort problems with my SkyRoof. I also am wondering if it’s an SGP change or a problem with the board or wiring at the motor. It started with the new beta releases, though. I will check into this.

As I halve been using the SkyRoof system with earlier releases of SGP successfully, I’m wondering how my ASCOM driver does it then?

Clear Skies,


Is your motor connected to the SkyRoof via the output pins? If so, are you saying prior versions of SGP used to be able to open the roof using the SkyRoof ASCOM driver but the beta releases cannot?
If that’s true I suggest creating a new SGP ticket.

My roof motor is not connected to the SkyRoof.

Hi Eric,

Thank you for replying.

I checked the roof last night, and the problem is related to the friction of the roof, not SGP.

I will need to hand open it and hopefully find the source of the friction.

Clear Skies,


@Ken, thoughts?

Sure, I have recorded this for consideration when we start looking at new features again. Right now is all hands on 4.3