Download and exposure at the same time

At the moment, when a sub is exposed, it is downloaded. Which can take 10 seconds or longer with the newer cameras with high resolution.
Only then is a new exposure started.

Is there a possibility that a new exposure is already started during the download? So that you don’t lose valuable time.

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Maybe, though that would be highly dependent on how things are handled within the camera. For instance with DSLRs (where you have an on board SD card for storage) this would likely work. For CCDs/CMOS it would depend on how the memory is structured for the camera. It’s also very likely that as part of a new image capture that the camera would wipe the memory space for the new image.


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How about starting the dither and settle during download?

That could speed things up.



Thanks for the feedback.
I would suggest that especially for the astro cameras. So cameras from ZWO or QHY…
I tried it in NINA… it works with that.

Dithering while downloading is also a great idea!

Anything to speed up the process would be good. I would like to take shorter exposures but the download overhead is crippling. The other thing, which I think I may have seen you are also considering (?), would be to use the native drivers rather than ASCOM. My QHY600 downloads only take 4s in NINA but more than double that in SGP.