This is the 3 night where suddenly SGP cannot download Images from the camera.
The camera works properly and any other software can acccess the ASI camera without a problem. I have reported this issue before and I really need a fix.
In the Equipment Manager the connect button for the camera is grey.
Link to Logs
Useful Info
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Ver: (64-bit) .NET: 4.8 ASCOM:
Sorry, there likely isn’t much we can do here. It seems you are using the ASCOM driver I think? SGPro has literally zero special handling for brands of ASCOM cameras… they all use the same exact code (as is the purpose of ASCOM).
Has anything changed on your system between working and not working?
Have you tried using the native ASI driver? I think @Jared has intention of reviving and maintaining it.
I am more than happy to look at the logs to see if I can spot anything out of the ordinary, but I am unsure where I should look.
I did not change anything in my setup except I am instaling the new SGP builds from time to time to see if this problem goes away.
I am not aware of a native ASI driver.
For SGP it is very simple to fix this issue. You already detect this situation and SGP sends out an email alert.
[10.07.2023 02:08:43][Error] (M92 Globular Cluster) Error attempting to capture image (see logs for more information).
[10.07.2023 02:08:43][Error] (M92 Globular Cluster) Failed to save image to disk! Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
[10.07.2023 02:06:43][Error] (M92 Globular Cluster) (M92 Globular Cluster) Failure while integrating M92 Globular Cluster Flats; Event 1; Frame 30 for 60s. Image has not downloaded in alloted time period.
[10.07.2023 02:06:43][Error] (M92 Globular Cluster) (M92 Globular Cluster) Failure while integrating M92 Globular Cluster Flats; Event 1; Frame 30 for 60s. Image has not downloaded in alloted time period.
SGP simply needs to disconnect the camera and reconnect the camera and then everything is working fine again.
Last night I had a similar problem with the observatory. During the night I received an email that the observatory and safety monitor have been disconnected. A simple automatic reconnect from SGP would have saved a wonderful Imaging night.