DSLR/mount conflict?

Okay, so I’m using a Nikon D5200 and an iOptron SmartEQ pro. I’ve used this combination successfully with SGP 2.3 to do imaging. Ever since I upgraded to 2.4 it seems that the mount and the camera conflict.

If I take a single shot or activate live view with the mount disconnected, the camera behaves normally. When I activate the mount, there is about a 15 second lag on live view, and downloading a single frame suddenly takes 30s or longer. About half the time, SGP will just crash outright with both the camera and mount connected, if the mount is in motion.

The mount is connected via a usb-serial adapter, the camera is straight USB.
I’ve also tried connecting the camera to Digicamcontrol with the mount connected, and it goes to live view and captures fine with DCC.

Don’t know if it will help, but I’ve taken a short .mov file that shows what happens when I connect the mount. I can’t attach it to this post, but let me know if you want to see it and I’ll send it to you.



The .mov won’t help us much. Please see this for what we are after:

Unfortunately with the number of stops and starts I had that night, I wasn’t sure which log file to send you. I just recreated the condition with my setup and it was the same.

For reference, what I did was turn everything on, book SGP, and then connect first to the camera, and then set the camera in live view, and then connected to the mount. I don’t know if it will show in the log file, but as soon as I connect the mount, everything grinds to a halt.

Log file attached, and thanks.sg_logfile_20150404231340.txt (56.8 KB)

Do you know how many USB “buses” are on your machine and if the adapter and camera are using the same one?

In system manager, I have 1 "generic USB hub"
5 items marked “Intel ICH8 Family USB Universal Host Controller”, these also have numbers after them, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2834, 2846.
2 items marked “Intel ICH8 Family Enhanced Host Controller”, these are numbered 2836 and 283A.
8 items marked “UBS root hub”.

I’m assuming that both camera and adapter were on the same hub, however, just for the sake of curiosity, I removed the serial adapter and connected the mount to my PC by way of a RS-232 port. The result was the same, as soon as the mount connected, the camera ground to a halt.

Can you try

  • real camera with mount simulator
  • real mount and camera simulator

Might help point to something if you can achieve similar results.

I’ve got everything packed away for the night, but I’ll give it a shot tonight after the kids go to bed.
