Erratic Behavior Between Scope and Dome

My apologies, I know this is a lot.

Real Components: CGE Pro w/ Celestron driver, 8’ Exploradome with LesvedomeNet driver.
Simulated: Camera, Filter Wheel, Focuser
Not Included: Autoguide, Plate Solve
Disconnect at Sequence End: NO

TARGET: The star Aldebaran. It is high in the sky towards the South. The scope/mount and dome are parked at their Home position of 0/360 degrees North. This forces dome and mount to move 180 degrees away from Home position when sequence starts.

TRIALS: Here are three (3) different behavior modes for the same sequence, done one after the other. At start of Sequence …

Trial I. This is the way things should work.
a) Dome rotates about 20 deg away from North, while scope/mount remains still. Then…
b) Dome and scope/mount simultaneously go to target (Aldebaran). Imaging starts when both are in position. At the completion of images…
c) Dome rotates to 0/360 degree (North) Home position and STOPS while scope mount remains on target. Then…
d) Mount slews to Home position (0/360 deg), same as Dome. Everyone is happy.

Trial II. This is NOT.
a) Dome rotates about 20 deg away from North, while scope/mount remains still. Then…
b) Scope/mount goes first to Aldebaran while Dome remains at the 20 degree location. Scope begins imaging immediately. Dome begins to move to Aldebaran once scope has reached target and is imaging. Dome eventually gets to target but is late for the imaging. At the completion of images…
c) Dome rotates to 0/360 degree (North) Home position and immediately reverses back to target while scope/mount remains on target. Then…
d) Mount slews to Home position (0/360 deg), and once there, Dome slews to (generally) North, but about 11 degrees from scope/mount location.

Trial III. And this also is NOT.
a) Dome rotates about 20 deg away from North, but also bounces about 10 degrees to the other side of North while scope/mount remains still. Then…
b) Scope/mount goes first to Aldebaran while Dome remains at the +20 or -10 degree location. Scope begins imaging immediately. Dome begins to move to Aldebaran once scope has reached target and is imaging. Dome eventually gets to target. At the completion of images…
c) Dome rotates to 0/360 degree Home position, while scope/mount remain on target, and immediately reverses back to target. Meanwhile scope/mount begins for Home at the point when Dome has initially reached its Home position. Then…
d) Mount completes slews to Home position (0/360 deg), while Dome has reached, and remains at Aldebaran (target) position.

The 20 degrees and 10 degrees described above are approximate. I was eyeballing them.

If I select “Disconnect equipment at end of Sequence”, that will create more variables.

FWIW, none of the above goofy behavior so far has affected imaging. Dome and scope/mount are in agreement once everyone has reached target, and they stay on target. I probably don’t lose images because there’s usually a lot more to do once the scope gets to target before the camera begins imaging.

I’ve re-installed drivers and replaced USB cables.

Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated.


Yes, a lot of work to decipher this.

One thing I found, looking at the DriverAccess files is that at one point the LesveDome driver is sent a SlewtoAzimuth command and, about a millisecond later, a slewing property.
This Slewing returns False, presumably because the driver is still in the process of changing the slew state. This Slewing command is sent before the SlewToAzimuth command has returned. A couple of milliseconds later another slewing command is sent which correctly returns True, however it may be too late by then, SGP may have assumed that the dome has finished moving when in reality it hasn’t started.

Here’s what I saw:
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Start
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Parameter: 347.722637757208
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Calling SlewToAzimuth - it is a COM object
12:33:05.715 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.715 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.715 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get False
12:33:05.716 SlewToAzimuth Successfully called method, no return value
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.716 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.716 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.717 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.717 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.717 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.717 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.717 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.717 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.718 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.718 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.718 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.718 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:06.719 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:06.720 Azimuth Get 357.533529411765
12:33:06.720 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:06.721 Slewing Get True
12:33:06.721 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:06.722 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:07.723 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:07.724 Azimuth Get 356.823529411765
12:33:07.724 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:07.726 Slewing Get True

The driver should set it’s slewing state to true before it returns - which it does - but it would help if the calling code was a little kinder, there’s about 10 commands to the driver in 4 milliseconds. It settles down after that but by then it may be too late.

Thanks for the quick response Chris.

Not real clear on where I should direct my attention and efforts.
Do you see this as a Lesvedome issue or other?


Looks like timing issues in SGP. There seems to be a place where SGP is reporting that the dome is synced before the move command has been sent.

The SGP log shows:
[06/27/17 12:33:04.495][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ********** Run sequence started **********
[06/27/17 12:33:04.553][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking if observatory requires auto slaving…
[06/27/17 12:33:04.553][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Attempting to auto slave the observatory…
[06/27/17 12:33:04.553][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Auto slaved the observatory…
[06/27/17 12:33:04.556][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DoEventGroupChange: Changing to event group: aldebaran
[06/27/17 12:33:04.558][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking for start delay…
[06/27/17 12:33:04.558][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Sending unpark command in DoEventGroupChange…
[06/27/17 12:33:04.559][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Telescope: OpenShutter command sent.
[06/27/17 12:33:04.559][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Unpark message received.
[06/27/17 12:33:05.087][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Start tracking
[06/27/17 12:33:05.538][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Blocking for observatory slaving to complete
[06/27/17 12:33:09.734][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Telescope: Observatory slaving complete
[06/27/17 12:33:09.735][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Unpark complete.
[06/27/17 12:33:09.738][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DoEventGroupChange: Slewing to target
[06/27/17 12:33:09.763][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Slewing to J2000 RA: 4.5991410873813 (04h35m56.91s) Dec: 16.5146355794346 (16°30’52.69")
[06/27/17 12:33:09.763][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Slew received J2000 coordinates, mount requires JNOW, converting…
[06/27/17 12:33:09.769][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Slewing to JNOW RA: 4.61537335513449 Dec: 16.546354695121
[06/27/17 12:33:09.769][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Calling Observatory Slave Slew
[06/27/17 12:33:33.332][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Scope reports it is done with synchronous slew, verifying…
[06/27/17 12:33:33.334][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Observatory is reporting slewing
[06/27/17 12:33:34.335][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope: Slewing has completed
[06/27/17 12:33:34.335][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DoEventGroupChange: Slew complete
[06/27/17 12:33:34.424][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DoEventGroupChange: Complete

And the DriverAccess log for the Lesve dome shows:

12:33:04.404 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:04.404 Connected Get True
12:33:04.405 CanSetAzimuth Get GET CanSetAzimuth - COM
12:33:04.406 CanSetAzimuth Get True
12:33:04.406 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:04.406 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:04.406 Connected Get True
12:33:04.407 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:04.408 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:04.409 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:04.410 Slewing Get False
12:33:04.410 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:04.411 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:04.413 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:04.413 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:04.413 Connected Get True
12:33:04.414 CanFindHome Get GET CanFindHome - COM
12:33:04.414 CanFindHome Get True
12:33:05.539 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:05.539 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:05.540 Connected Get True
12:33:05.645 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:05.645 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:05.646 Connected Get True
12:33:05.711 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:05.711 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:05.712 Connected Get True
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Start
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Parameter: 347.722637757208
12:33:05.714 SlewToAzimuth Calling SlewToAzimuth - it is a COM object
12:33:05.715 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.715 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.715 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get False
12:33:05.716 SlewToAzimuth Successfully called method, no return value
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.716 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.716 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.716 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.716 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.717 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.717 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.717 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.717 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.717 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.717 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:05.718 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:05.718 Azimuth Get 0.71
12:33:05.718 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:05.718 Slewing Get True
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:05.718 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:06.719 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:06.720 Azimuth Get 357.533529411765
12:33:06.720 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:06.721 Slewing Get True
12:33:06.721 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:06.722 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:07.723 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:07.724 Azimuth Get 356.823529411765
12:33:07.724 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:07.726 Slewing Get True
12:33:07.726 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:07.727 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:08.727 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:08.728 Azimuth Get 352.941176470588
12:33:08.728 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:08.729 Slewing Get True
12:33:08.729 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:08.730 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:09.731 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:09.732 Azimuth Get 349.058823529411
12:33:09.732 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:09.733 Slewing Get False
12:33:09.734 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:09.734 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:09.771 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:09.771 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:09.772 Connected Get True
12:33:09.821 SlewToAzimuth Start
12:33:09.821 SlewToAzimuth Parameter: 21.3887900271102
12:33:09.821 SlewToAzimuth Calling SlewToAzimuth - it is a COM object
12:33:09.822 SlewToAzimuth Successfully called method, no return value
12:33:09.822 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:09.823 Azimuth Get 348.705882352941
12:33:09.823 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:09.823 Slewing Get True
12:33:09.823 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:09.824 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:09.824 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:09.825 Azimuth Get 348.705882352941
12:33:09.825 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:09.825 Slewing Get True
12:33:09.826 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:09.826 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:10.876 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:10.877 Azimuth Get 351.882352941176
12:33:10.877 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:10.878 Slewing Get True
12:33:10.878 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:10.878 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:11.430 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:11.430 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:11.431 Connected Get True
12:33:12.070 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:12.071 Azimuth Get 356.823529411765
12:33:12.071 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:12.071 Slewing Get True
12:33:12.071 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:12.072 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:13.097 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:13.098 Azimuth Get 0
12:33:13.098 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:13.098 Slewing Get True
12:33:13.099 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:13.099 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:14.147 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:14.148 Azimuth Get 3.88235294117647
12:33:14.148 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:14.149 Slewing Get True
12:33:14.149 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:14.149 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:15.172 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:15.173 Azimuth Get 7.41176470588235
12:33:15.173 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:15.173 Slewing Get True
12:33:15.174 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:15.174 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:16.200 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:16.200 Azimuth Get 12
12:33:16.201 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:16.201 Slewing Get True
12:33:16.201 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:16.202 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:17.233 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:17.234 Azimuth Get 16.5882352941177
12:33:17.234 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:17.235 Slewing Get True
12:33:17.235 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:17.235 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:18.262 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:18.263 Azimuth Get 20.1176470588235
12:33:18.263 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:18.263 Slewing Get False
12:33:18.264 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:18.264 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:21.435 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:21.435 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:21.436 Connected Get True
12:33:28.279 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:28.280 Azimuth Get 20.1176470588235
12:33:28.280 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:28.280 Slewing Get False
12:33:28.281 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:28.281 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:31.447 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:31.447 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:31.448 Connected Get True
12:33:34.440 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:34.440 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:34.440 Connected Get True
12:33:34.740 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:33:34.741 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:33:34.741 Connected Get True
12:33:34.762 SlewToAzimuth Start
12:33:34.762 SlewToAzimuth Parameter: 165.565507917642
12:33:34.762 SlewToAzimuth Calling SlewToAzimuth - it is a COM object
12:33:34.763 SlewToAzimuth Successfully called method, no return value
12:33:34.763 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:34.763 Azimuth Get 20.1176470588235
12:33:34.763 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:34.763 Slewing Get True
12:33:34.764 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:34.764 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:34.764 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:34.764 Azimuth Get 20.1176470588235
12:33:34.764 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:34.764 Slewing Get True
12:33:34.764 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:34.764 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:34.764 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:34.765 Azimuth Get 20.1176470588235
12:33:34.765 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:34.765 Slewing Get True
12:33:34.765 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:34.765 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:35.799 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:35.800 Azimuth Get 22.5882352941176
12:33:35.800 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:33:35.800 Slewing Get True
12:33:35.801 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:33:35.801 CanSetShutter Get False
12:33:36.854 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:33:36.854 Azimuth Get 26.4705882352941
A quantity of similar log data removed so this isn’t too big.
12:34:10.807 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:10.808 Slewing Get True
12:34:10.808 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:10.809 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:11.471 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:34:11.471 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:34:11.472 Connected Get True
12:34:11.810 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:11.811 Azimuth Get 146.117647058824
12:34:11.811 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:11.812 Slewing Get True
12:34:11.812 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:11.812 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:12.812 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:12.813 Azimuth Get 151.058823529412
12:34:12.814 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:12.815 Slewing Get True
12:34:12.815 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:12.816 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:13.817 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:13.818 Azimuth Get 155.64705882353
12:34:13.818 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:13.819 Slewing Get True
12:34:13.819 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:13.820 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:14.822 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:14.823 Azimuth Get 160.588235294118
12:34:14.823 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:14.824 Slewing Get True
12:34:14.825 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:14.826 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:15.828 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:15.829 Azimuth Get 164.117647058824
12:34:15.829 Slewing Get GET Slewing - COM
12:34:15.830 Slewing Get False
12:34:15.830 CanSetShutter Get GET CanSetShutter - COM
12:34:15.831 CanSetShutter Get False
12:34:15.881 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:34:15.881 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:34:15.882 Connected Get True
12:34:16.069 Connected Get Issuing Connected command
12:34:16.069 Connected Get GET Connected - COM
12:34:16.069 Connected Get True
12:34:16.088 Azimuth Get GET Azimuth - COM
12:34:16.088 Azimuth Get 164.117647058824

SGP reports in its log that the slew is complete at 12:33:34.424 and starts image acquisition but the DriverAccess log shows that it doesn’t get the dome slew command until 12:33:34.762, more than 300 milliseconds later, and the dome move doesn’t finish until 12:34:15.830. This is after the first frame has finished and there’s a wait for the dome to finish moving before the second frame starts.

Hi Chris,
I am Pierre the LesveDomeNet author, in your opinion should I have to try to change LesveDomeNet or it’s the responsibility of SGPro author to temper the traffic to the dome driver.
Best regards,

Hi Pierre,

I don’t think this is down to you. The most I can see that you could do is prevent the Slewing and Move functions running at the same time using some sort of mutex. I don’t know what language you are using but in C# the Lock pattern can be used. This may help if a slewing command is being sent on a different thread before the move has returned but if the slewing check is being done before the move command there isn’t anything you can do.

It’s the nature of multi threaded applications that the order in which things happen can vary.