Event Non Start due to Guider Settling Issues

Thanks Joel,

I found the “view log” feature in help right after I responded to mads.
I had recently changed over to PHD2 from “1” and had neglected to enable the logging. But I’ll have all running tonight.
It’s interesting what you say about PHD and the scope selection. This gave me pause, but I do not think this is true. Best I can tell, PHD operates outside of SGP. I suspect the “scope” selection is for moving the scope through SGP. But we’ll give it a try and see.
The M27 images (6 at 600s) that ran the other night definitely did not dither. Consequently I am watching that selection closely for when I run tonight.
Thanks for the suggestion on the settle value. I’ll raise that for tonight’s session. I also came across a post by Terry in May where Ken suggests applying “recovery mode”. Not sure if this is relevant to what I’m seeing, but might be worth a try.

I just got through running the sequencer with cameras and filter wheel on at short durations (30s). I started with PHD2 on (just not guiding), and then later turned PHD off. This is all showing up in the SGP log. While running the event multiple times, and changing parameters in between, I am not having the problems I described today. All looks good. Just for grins, I started my 600s sequence and plan to let it run for a while. Currently PHD2 is off.

I’m beginning to wonder if simply posting on this forum doesn’t correct the problems. Seems like it so far. We’ll see.
