I created a sequence that included both the Heart Nebula and the California Nebula. I used the Framing and Mosaic wizard as I always do. I don’t have a camera rotator so I disabled that, which I always do, and as always it gave me the warning about angle validation. I’ve never had a plate Solve fail, but last night, it failed on both targets. I loaded a sequence for the Rosette Nebula I did three weeks ago, and it plate solved fine. I went back to the Heart and Cali Nebulae, and it failed again. Is it a camera rotator issue? If so, why hasn’t this happened before? Anything else cause a platesolve issue? I use platesolve2 and never had an issue before last night. Also, the auto focus routine worked twice, but failed after that. I find the AF function to be very inconsistent. I have a beautiful V-shaped graph, and it will still fail, then work, then fail, then I just disable it.
If you’d like to send us logs showing the issues you have described here, we may be able to assist. See here for additional guidance:
I uploaded my logs and submitted a ticket.
We’re the logs useful?
Can you point us to the forum post that your logs are in? I’m afraid I don’t see it.