Falcon rotator


set up the Falcon rotator on a Win 10 pc. Installed the latest driver for ascom 1.4 and using ASCOM 6.5.1 and the Falcon software. With the Falcon software i can connect to the rotator and set the target. It slews and shows the right angle. Also the ascom driver shows the same angle.

Only SGP means when connecting the rotator that i’m on 269° even falcon software and ascom driver shows 0°. I tried nearly erverthing, reinstall all driver from falcon.
From where is SGP reading this number??

Any hint is welcome.



SGP stores an offset for the rotator after a plate solve. So the angle you see in SGP should be the sky angle of your rotator. Not the (rather useless) number that your rotator gives you.


Hi Jared,

thanks for your response. I read the other topics depending falcon rotator. Had the same issue as Allen had and was confused. Will test next clear night and will set the rotator to counter clockwise. Hope this will help.



Hi, some small update. Setting the rotator to counter clockwise helped.

