First automate focuser

Dear all, I got my first auto focuser, a Moonlite. Well built and beautiful!!! Yesterday I tested it with SGP for the first time. I got, as I understand, a nice curve: Quality 98% and HFR 1.8. Just to make myself sure: this is good, right? Thanks in advance.

Regards, Fernando

The curve should be approximately symmetrical with regard to the vertical axis. A quality value of 98 % seems to be very good. The quality property reflects how good the quadratic fitting curve fits the data.

HFR values are only comparabale when obtained with the same equipment (same scope and camera). Therefore nobody can tell you whether a HFR value of 1.8 is good. Of course HFR values are dependent on the seeing conditions. So better seeing conditions will result in lower HFR values and vice versa.


Hi Bernd,

Thanks for your reply!!!

Regards, Fernando