FITS Image Grader (standalone)


I have been a licensed SGPro user for about 7 years, tool is Great!

I have just recently wanted to d/l the standalone FITS image grader and use it separate from my sequencing software, but after installing this standalone on multiple machines (with different OS’s). I load either a single FIT or a folder, the tool does not grade them, but seems to mark them all with a Red X. Yet the same FITS do get graded within the SGPro software.

I also tried running the standalone on my machine that has SGpro installed, and the standalone will not grade my FITS.

Is there some other dependencies needed to run the standalone? The OS’s I tried this one, windows 10 home, and windows 11 home.


In all honesty that free tool needs some love. In your case, I would just launch a different instance of SGPro and use the second instances’ grader

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